• Type hier je vraag:

What are the dimensions of the Spheremaker?

The sphere’s diameter is 25 centimeters.


The cord for the Spheremaker 1 is 3 meters. This cable can be shortened.

The cord for the Spheremaker 3, 6 and 9 are 1.75 meters.

We don't offer longer cords. And we do not recommend making the cords between the transformer and fittings shorter or longer. This will void the warranty on your lamp.

The cord from the mains to the transformer (for the ceiling plate) may be extended.


The ceiling plate for the Spheremaker 1 has a diameter of 10 centimeters.

The one for the Spheremaker 3 has a diameter of 30 centimeters.

The one for the Spheremaker 6 has a diameter of 45 centimeters.

And the one for the Spheremaker 9 has a diameter of 60 centimeters.


Package dimensions for the Spheremaker are 26 x 26 x 35 centimeters.

Package dimensions for the Spheremaker 3 are 79 x 32 x 33 centimeters.

Spheremaker 6 is 79 x 53 x 33 centimeters.

And Spheremaker 9 is 79 x 79 x 33 centimeters.